Around two years ago, I built a single-board 8-bit micro on a breadboard, centered around the Hitachi 63C09 CPU (a suped-up version of the much-loved Motorola 6809). It was a fun exercise to see how simple I could build a vintage system capable of running the FLEX operating system, which was a popular disk operating system for 6800- and 6809-based micros in the late 70's and early 80's. Since then, I've incrementally expanded it to three serial ports (ACIAs), a Versatile Interface Adapter (VIA) for a PS/2 keyboard, Atari-compatible joystick, and RAM bank switching register (as well as two hardware interval timers), and most importantly, graphics and sound courtesy of Texas Instruments' TMS9118 and SN76496.
My 8-bit micro, as it appears today. |
Let's rewind a little more, back to around 1979 or 1980 (OK, a lot more). I first played Space Invaders at the local movie theater, the Elmwood in Elmhurst, Queens, NY. The theater's gone, but it's an important memory. (Amazingly, I can't find a single, real photo of Space Invaders with the original plastic overlays the screen had, to simulate the appearance of color.)
The original Taito Space Invaders, missing the plastic overlays in the screen image. |
Atari 2600 Space Invaders |
Sega's Space Invaders for the SG-1000 |
Next up, I'll tell the story of how I hand-translated Sega's Space Invaders from Z80 to 6309 assembly language. Stay tuned!
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